
Nvidia Launches SDK for AI Robotics Programming

Nvidia recently released Issac SDK, a new software development kit designed to make it easier to add artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning capabilities to consumer and industrial robotics projects.

Included in the SDK is Nvidia's Isaac Robot Engine, a number of "high performance" robotics algorithms, related hardware applications and a number of "GEMS," or modular capabilities designed for a sort of plug-and-play use into various robots. GEMS include depth estimation, object detection, camera drivers, audio keyword detection and numerous others.

"[Isaac SDK] will accelerate robot development for manufacturers, researchers and startups by making it easier to add AI for perception and navigation into next-generation robots," the company said.

Other solutions Nvidia offers specifically for AI and robotics include Issac Sim for training robots on virtual simulation environment and Jetson AGX Xavier, "the world's first computer expressly designed for robots," as the company puts it. More information on all three solutions can be found here.

The Issac SDK is currently only available as a developer preview. More information and questions regarding the SDK can be posted on the developer forum, found here.

About the Author

Becky Nagel serves as vice president of AI for 1105 Media specializing in developing media, events and training for companies around AI and generative AI technology. She also regularly writes and reports on AI news, and is the founding editor of She's the author of "ChatGPT Prompt 101 Guide for Business Users" and other popular AI resources with a real-world business perspective. She regularly speaks, writes and develops content around AI, generative AI and other business tech. She has a background in Web technology and B2B enterprise technology journalism.
